Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Jenny Anydots

Currently I am watching 'Cats' - The Andrew Lloyd Webber musical. It is one of my favourite stage shows as I think the music is funky and the dancing is awesome and I only wish that I had stuck in at dancing cause that would have been my dream job. I consider myself a bit of a Jenny Anydots. I do everything but the thing I set out to do, ever the procrastinator!

So, since the last time I blogged (which seems a lifetime ago now) there have been a few things cropped up in my life. As I said in my last blog I was going to open a new blog to let you all know what it was and I clearly haven't done that I'll just start here and now.
As you may know, I have been diagnosed with Renal Failure twice now in my 26 years I've been alive. I've had two kidney transplants and I currently have no kidney's at all.
I am finding it a little harder to deal with this time through. I suppose it's because the first time it happens, you are just learning about it all and you get by because you have to, second time through you are wiser and have learned so know what to do and when to do it so you deal with it and handle it differently but third time around I have to admit I did have to check that it was all happening again. I couldn't believe it. Why? Why again? Once, twice...I can handle but a third time? That just takes the biscuit.
Something that I am going through this time is the type of Dialysis treatment I am currently getting. Hemodialysis is a completely different style of treatment however it does the same job as regular Dialysis by cleaning the blood through a machine. It cleans out the toxins in my body that a Kidney would normally take care of.
I attend Stobhill Renal Unit 3 times a week for 4 hours at a time to be attached to the machine in order for it to clean my blood for me. Yes, its the biggest pain in the neck ever and I am getting very fed up with it all now however I do need to remind myself that this machine is keeping me alive and there is nothing I can do until I get another Kidney and no one knows how long it will be before that happens.

I'm not entirely sure why I wanted to post this but hey, its out there now....

Watching: Cats
Feeling: Tired and Grumpy and Thirsty
Wanting: A drink

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